History of S.T. Hindu College of Education
The South Travancore Hindu College Association, with temple trusts and individuals as shareholders, was registered as a company on 9th January 1952 with a view to promoting the cause of higher education in South Travancore, now known as Kanyakumari District. In 2008 they extended their service to humanity by opening a Teacher Education Institutions in the same campus.
The vision of the S.T. Hindu College of Education is to produce teachers of excellence who will use their knowledge and skills for the integrity of students and for the integration of the Nation. |
The mission of the S.T. Hindu College of Education is to prepare student teachers to be professionally sound, self-disciplined and socially fit to face the challenges of the changing society. |
The South Travancore Hindu College Association, with temple trusts and individuals as shareholders, was registered as a company on 9th January 1952 with a view to promoting the cause of higher education in South Travancore, now known as Kanyakumari District. In 2008 they extended their service to humanity by opening a Teacher Education Institutions in the same campus.
The college was granted affiliation on 30.05.2008 by the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and there by Tamilnadu Teachers Education University.
The foundation stone was laid by Dr.R.T.Sabapathi Mohan, Vice-chancellor, M.S.University and it was opened by Dr.T.Thangamuthu, Chairperson of the Southern Regional Committee, NCTE, Bangalore and Former Vice Chancellor, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. The College started its function with 100 students of various branches on 1.9.2008. The South Travancore Hindu College Association manages the South Travancore Hindu College and S.T.Hindu College of Education. The Association was registered under the Indian Companies Act with an authorized capital of Rs.3.5 lakhs. It is represented by a Board of 19 Directors elected by the members of the Association

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